
The latest news and updates from the team at Quartek, all in one place
Aircraft Life Extensions: The 5 Basics

Aircraft Life Extensions: The 5 Basics

Over their lifetime, aircraft fleets endure and operate in severe environments. Often in harsher environments than they were originally designed for. With lifespans of approximately 27 years for a Boeing 747 and 35 years for a 737, you can see why there is a...

Q&A with Elliott Hawthorne – Engineering Director

Q&A with Elliott Hawthorne – Engineering Director

If there is anyone that knows how to work smarter and not harder, it would be our engineering director – Elliott Hawthorne. By taking advantage of computer-aided processing to streamline repetitive processes, he knows how to make good use of time and expertise. With...

New year, new career at Quartek: five benefits

New year, new career at Quartek: five benefits

A new year brings new perspectives and goals. For some, this may be health and fitness-focused, whilst, for others, this may mean achieving career goals. So, if you’re looking to take your engineering career to new heights and join a team in which you are truly...

Reflecting on 2022: highlighting the rewarding moments

Reflecting on 2022: highlighting the rewarding moments

As we fast approach the end of the year and prepare to bid adieu to 2022 (and may we say, where did the year go?!), we’re taking a moment to reflect upon the highlights of this year. Every year usually brings some highs, some lows, and of course, new experiences. 2022...

What is solutions architecture and why is it important?

What is solutions architecture and why is it important?

When you first hear the term solutions architecture, you might think of architecture in terms of grand design homes and iconic buildings. Bring solutions into the equation, and it may make you think of interior design. But that’s far from it. So, what do we mean by...

Q&A with Steven Karakostas – Operations Director

Q&A with Steven Karakostas – Operations Director

Our operations director, Steven Karakostas, brings over 17 years of experience managing static stress and F&DT aerospace projects and teams. His skills include: classical static stress analysis, linear static, non-linear static, and, random vibration finite...